Welcome to the Lunfardo Dictionary Q, your comprehensive guide to the Lunfardo language! On this page, dedicated to the letter “Q,” you will find a ton of Lunfardo words, each followed by its meaning in standard Spanish and then translated into English for easy understanding.
Lunfardo Dictionary Q – Words in Lunfardo, Spanish and English
Quebracho: Vino (English: Wine) |
Queco: Prostíbulo (English: Whorehouse) |
Quemado: Desprestigiado (English: Disreputable) |
Quemar: Desprestigiar Matar con un arma de fuego (English: Desprestigiar To kill with a firearm) |
Quemera: Mujer que trabaja en los vaciadores o quemas (English: Woman who works in the emptiers or burners) |
Quemo: Desprestigio, descrédito (neologismo) (English: Disrepute, discredit (neologism)) |
Queseras: Medias (English: Stocking) |
Queso: Tonto (English: Fool) |
Quía: Tipo innominado (English: Unnamed type) |
Quilombear /quilombificar: Alborotar (English: Troublemaker) |
Quilombera: Alborotador (English: Troublemaker) |
Quilombo, tener: Experiencia (English: Experience) |
Quilombo: Prostíbulo, alborotar, perturbar (English: Brothel, rowdy, troublemaker) |
Quinielero: Levanta juego (English: Raise game) |
Quinta del ñato: Cementerio (English: Cemetery) |
Quiveve: Prostíbulo (English: Brothel) |