Lunfardo Dictionary Y


Lunfardo Dictionary Y

Welcome to the Lunfardo Dictionary Y, your comprehensive guide to the Lunfardo language! On this page, dedicated to the letter “Y,” you will find a ton of Lunfardo words, each followed by its meaning in standard Spanish and then translated into English for easy understanding.

Lunfardo Dictionary Y – Words in Lunfardo, Spanish and English

Yanta, en: Indigente (English: Destitute)
Yeca: Experiencia (English: Experience)
Yeite: Ocasión / Asunto / Asunto dudoso (English: Occasion / Matter / Doubtful matter)
Yeta: Influjo maléfico, suerte adversa (English: Malefic influence, adverse luck)
Yeyatore: Tipo de mal agüero (English: Type of bad omen)
Yigoló: Individuo joven mantenido por una mujer mayor (English: Young individual supported by an older woman)
Yira / yiranta: Ramera (English: Harlot)
Yiradicta: Ramera (English: Harlot)
Yirar: Andar (English: Walk)
Yiro: Ramera (English: Harlot)
Yompa: Pabellón (English: Pavilion)
Yoni: Inglés (English: English)
Yugaba: Trabajaba esforzadamente (English: Worked hard)
Yugador / yugante: Trabajador (English: Worker)
Yugar: Trabajar (English: Work)
Yuguiyo: Cuello de camisa (English: Shirt collar)
Yunta: Pareja, compañía (English: Couple, company)
Yurno: Yorno, día (English: Lathe, day)
Yuta: Personal policíaco (English: Police personnel)
Yuto: Desleal, falso / Policía de investigaciones (English: Disloyal, false / Investigation police)