Lunfardo Dictionary O


Lunfardo Dictionary O

Welcome to the Lunfardo Dictionary O, your comprehensive guide to the Lunfardo language! On this page, dedicated to the letter “O,” you will find a ton of Lunfardo words, each followed by its meaning in standard Spanish and then translated into English for easy understanding.

Lunfardo Dictionary O – Words in Lunfardo, Spanish and English

Oblar: Pegar (English: Paste)
Ojete: Suerte (English: Lucky)
Ojetudo: Afortunado (English: Lucky)
Ojito, de: Gratuitamente (English: Gratuitously)
Olfa: Obsecuente / Chupamedias (English: Obsessive / Chupamedias)
Oligarca: Conservador (English: Conservative)
Olivetti: Despido (English: Dismiss)
Olivo, dar el: Despedir, Echar (English: Dismiss, Dismiss)
Olivo, tomarse el: Irse / Huir (English: Leave / Flee)
Olivo: Despedirse (English: Farewell)
Opa: Idiota (English: Idiot)
Opiarse: Malhumorarse (English: Grumpy)
Opio, dar el: Despido (English: Dismiss)
Opio: Malhumor (English: Moodiness)
Orejear: Adular (English: Flattery)
Orejero: Obsecuente (English: Obsequious)
Orejudo: Conservador (English: Conservative)
Oriyero: Arrabalero, de las orillas (English: Arrabalero, of the shores)
Ortiba: Delator (English: Whistleblower)
Ortibar: Ver, mirar, delatar (English: To see, to watch, to inform)
Orto, como el: Infortunio (English: Misfortune)
Orto: Suerte (English: Luck )
Ostra: Crica (English: Crica)
Otario: Tonto, cándido (English: Foolish, candid)
Oxidado: Agotado, extenuado (English: Exhausted, exhausted)