Welcome to the Lunfardo Dictionary J, your comprehensive guide to the Lunfardo language! On this page, dedicated to the letter “J,” you will find a ton of Lunfardo words, each followed by its meaning in standard Spanish and then translated into English for easy understanding.
Lunfardo Dictionary J – Words in Lunfardo, Spanish and English
Jabón: Miedo, susto (English: Fear, fright) |
Jabonearse: Asustarse (English: To be frightened) |
Jacobo: Hebreo, judío (English: Hebrew, Jewish) |
Jai: Lechuguino, petimetre, abreviatura de jaileife (English: Lechuguino, petimetre, abbreviation of jaileife) |
Jailaife: Petimetre (English: Petimetre) |
Jamar: Mirar fijamente (English: To stare) |
Jamón: Violín (English: Violin) |
Jarangón: Fiesta (English: Party) |
Jaula: Vivienda de soltero / bandoneón / cárcel (English: bachelor’s dwelling / bandoneon / prison) |
Jeringa: Fastidioso, cargoso / Rijoso (English: Fastidious, annoying, troublesome / Rijoso) |
Jeta, de: Gratuitamente (English: Gratuitously) |
Jeta: Cara, rostro (English: Face, face) |
Jetatore: Infortunio, influencia maléfica (English: Unfortunate, evil influence) |
Jeteador: Gorronero (English: Scrounger) |
Jetear: Gorronear (English: Scrounge) |
Jetón: Cara grande Persona de cara grande y rasgos pronunciados (English: Big face Person with a large face and pronounced features) |
Jetudo: Cara grande / enojado (English: Big face / angry) |
Jilguero: Tonto (English: Fool) |
Jiquero: Delincuente que opera por medio de jicas, a distancia (English: Delinquent who operates by means of jicas, at a distance) |
Jirafa: Linterna (English: Flashlight) |
Joda: Broma, mofa / Fiesta (English: Joke, mockery / Party) |
Joder: Divertirse Bromear, mofarse Perjudicarse (English: To have fun To joke, to mock To be harmed) |
Joderse: Perjudicarse (English: To harm oneself) |
Jodido: Achacoso, deteriorado / Maligno (English: Achacoso, deteriorated / Malignant) |
Jodón: Burlón (English: Mocking) |
Jonca: Ataúd (English: Coffin) |
Jovato: Viejo (English: Old) |
Jugado: Achacoso (English: Achacoso) |
Jugarse: Arrojarse, intervenir (English: To throw, to intervene) |
Juiciosa, la: Cárcel (English: Jail) |
Julepe: Susto (English: Frightened) |
Julepeado: Asustado (English: Frightened) |
Julepearse: Asustarse (English: Frightened) |
Junado: Conocido (English: Known) |
Junar: Mirar (English: Watch) |
Junta: Yunta (English: Yunta) |
Juntapuchos: Vago (English: Vague) |
Justa, la: Exacto (English: Exact) |
Justiniano: Escaso, limitado, justo (English: Scarce, limited, fair) |