Lunfardo Dictionary H


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Lunfardo Dictionary H

Welcome to the Lunfardo Dictionary H, your comprehensive guide to the Lunfardo language! On this page, dedicated to the letter “H,” you will find a ton of Lunfardo words, each followed by its meaning in standard Spanish and then translated into English for easy understanding.

Lunfardo Dictionary H – Words in Lunfardo, Spanish and English

Hacer Sapo: Fracasar (English: Fail)
Hacer: Robar (English: Stealing)
Hamacarse: Trabajar esforzadamente (English: To work hard)
Hecho: Ebrio (English: Drunk)
Hembra: Mujer, concubina (English: Woman, concubine)
Hembraje: Grupo de mujeres (English: Group of women)
Hideputa: Vástago de ramera (English: Scion of harlot)
Hijoputez / hijoputada: Deslealtad, vileza (English: Disloyalty, vileness)
Hilo: Teléfono (English: Telephone)
Hincha: Fanático de una divisa o institución (English: Fanatic of a currency or institution)
Hinchabolas: Cargoso (English: Burdensome)
Hinchado: Fastidiado (English: Fastidious)
Hinchaguindas: Fastidioso (English: Fastidious)
Hinchapelotas: Fastidioso (English: Fastidious)
Hinchar: Fastidiar (English: Fastidious)
Hinchún: Fastidioso (English: Fastidious)
Hocicar: Flaquear (English: Flinch)
Hocicar: Fracasar / Errar (English: Fail / Fail)
Hojaldra, de: Gratuito (English: Free)
Homo: Invertido (English: Inverted)
Honda: Tirador (English: Shooter)
Horizontal: Cama (English: Bed)
Hornaya: Nariz (English: Nose)
Huesuda: Muerte (English: Death)
Huevos: Testículos (English: Testicles)
Húmedo: Ebrio (English: Drunk)
Humo, se hizo: Escape, huída (English: Escape, flight)
Humo: Engreimiento (English: Entrapment)