Lunfardo Dictionary D


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Lunfardo Dictionary D

Welcome to the Lunfardo Dictionary D, your comprehensive guide to the Lunfardo language! On this page, dedicated to the letter “D,” you will find a ton of Lunfardo words, each followed by its meaning in standard Spanish and then translated into English for easy understanding.

Lunfardo Dictionary D – Words in Lunfardo, Spanish and English

Dandy: Correctos y buenos mozos (English: Correct and good looking)
Dante: Bujarrón, pederasta activo (English: Deceitful, active pedophile )
Dar dique: Engañar con falsas apariencias (English: Deceive by false pretenses)
Darique: Invercion silabica de querida (English: Syllabic inversion of dear)
Dátiles: Dedos de las manos o pies (English: Fingers or toes)
De queruza: Alerta, atención (English: Alert, attentive)
Debute: Excelente (English: Excellent)
Deca: Decadencia (English: Decay)
Dechavar: Delatar (English: Give away)
Dedo: Alcahuete (English: Pimp)
Degoyar: Estafar, defraudar (English: Swindle, defraud)
Delantero: Senos (English: Breasts)
Depa /Derpa: Departamento, generalmente, de soltero (English: Apartment, usually bachelor’s)
Dequera: Alerta, atención (English: Alert, attentive)
Desabrochado: Despreocupado (English: Uncaring)
Desafrecharse: Fornicar (English: Fornicate)
Desbolado: Desordenado (English: Untidy)
Desbolar: Alborotar, desordenar (English: To disturb, disorderly)
Desbole: Desorden, lío (English: Disorder, mess)
Desbrujulado: Desorientado (English: Disoriented)
Descangayado: Achacoso, deteriorado (English: Ailing, deteriorated)
Descarnada: Muerte, la (English: Death, the)
Deschavar: Delatar, confesar (English: To tell on, confess)
Deschave: Confesión Apertura de una cerradura o cerrojo (English: Confession Opening of a lock or bolt)
Descolado: Deteriorado, achacoso (English: Deteriorated, ailing)
Desconche: Desorden, lío (English: Disorder, mess)
Desconectado: Despreocupado (English: Uncaring)
Descuerear: Chismear (English: Gossip)
Descuidista: Ladrón que aprovecha el descuido de sus víctimas (English: Thief who takes advantage of his victims’ carelessness)
Desechar: Eliminar (English: Eliminate)
Desenchufado: Despreocupado (English: Careless)
Desgrilar: Robar (English: Stealing)
Deshilachado: Deprimido (English: Depressed)
Desiderio: Decidido (English: Determined)
Desinflarse: Asustarse (English: Frightened)
Desmayarse: Dormir (English: Sleeping)
Despachar: Matar (English: Killing)
Despe: Desorden, lío (English: Disorder, mess)
Despegado: Despreocupado (English: Uncaring)
Despelotado: Desordenado (English: Untidy)
Despelotar: Desordenar (English: Disorder)
Despelote: Desorden, lío (English: Messy, messy)
Despiolado: Desordenado (English: Messy)
Despiole /despiporre: Desorden, lío (English: Messy, messy)
Desprendido: Despreocupado, indiferente (English: Uncaring, indifferent)
Desquicio: Desorden, lío (English: Disorder, mess)
Desteñir: Traicionar informalmente (English: Informal betrayal)
Dichero: Cobista (English: Cobista)
Dientudo: Piano (English: Piano)
Dilatar: Confusión, desorden (English: Confusion, disorder)
Dinenti: Cantillos (Juego de niños) (English: Cantillos (Child’s play))
Dique: Presunción, vanidad (English: Presumption, vanity)
Diquear: Alardear (English: Bragging)
Diqueo: Aspaviento (English: Show-off)
Disquero: Se dice del Fanfarrón y de cuanto sirve para fanfarronear (English: It is said of the braggart and of anything used for bragging.)
Dolorosa: Factura de gastos, generalmente, del restaurante (English: Expense bill, usually from the restaurant)
Dona: Mujer (English: Woman)
Dopado: Drogado (English: Drugged)
Dragoneante: Cortejante (English: Courting)
Dragonear: Enamorar, cortejar (English: To fall in love, to woo)
Dragoneo: Galanteo (English: Courtship)
Drogui: Bebida alcohólica (English: Alcoholic drink)
Droguista: Borracho (English: Drunk)
Durañona: Chambóm (English: Chambóm)
Durazno: Chambón (English: Chambón)
Duro: Chambón (English: Chambón)